
& tricks from Makeup Artist

Beauty and the Boutique

Hi Friends, Makeup Artist Katie here...

Do you ever should all over yourself? 🧐

I know I do!

Do these 'should' phrases sound familiar?

  • I should do some exercise

  • I should write that text

  • I should change my phone

  • I should find a different job

  • I should eat better

So why do we procrastinate?

I don't know about you, but I hate feeling guilty about all the things I should have done! 😶

As humans, we're hard-wired to prioritize short-term needs ahead of long-term ones. We also often procrastinate because we’re afraid of failing, as the task may feel too daunting, or we lack the confidence to achieve it 😥

At its core, procrastination is about emotions, not productivity.

These tips make all the difference

Here are my top 3 tips which help inspire self-nagging tasks into action! 👍

Why don't you join me and together let's see if they work?


Make a 'must' list

Beauty and the Boutique

This is different from a to-do list. This is a list of what you must get done today! 🙏

After completing all the items from your must list, reward yourself.  It could even be as simple as a cup of tea! 🏆☕️

I use this reward system throughout my entire workday...

…it's hardly Rock’ N' Roll but it helps me feel relax after I have complete a task!


The five minute rule

Beauty and the Boutique

The 5-minute rule is where you set a goal of doing whatever it is you would otherwise avoid, but only do it for five minutes ⏰

If after five minutes it's so horrible that you have to stop, you are free to do so, but if it's okay and you feel good for doing it, continue, and you'll soon find your mission accomplished 👏


Do the hardest thing first

Beauty and the Boutique

Hopefully, I'm not the only one guilty of this, but sometimes getting the easy jobs done first can seem like a good idea. 

In fact, the opposite is true!

Get the jobs you keep putting off at the top of your list and work your way from there – it's simple, but it can make your day feel a lot more manageable, and I promise you'll feel virtues! 💡🌟

Your time is now!

Beauty and the Boutique

Feeling guilty about all the things we should have done serves no purpose other than to make us feel bad 🙅‍♀️

So, try doing something today that you've been putting off.

Go on; kick that should out of your day and start feeling great now! 💪


Beauty and the Boutique

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